Units Master FAQ - unit conversion calculator questions

► Question 1: Does Units Master have the option to round up or round down to nearest 1/64, 1/32, 1/16, etc?

Answer: Yes, Units Master allows you to round results to the specified precision. As the app shows results in both decimal and fractional formats, in the Settings you may select the required precision for both decimal and fractional results independently:

• Fractional results can be rounded to the nearest 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/12, 1/16, 1/32, 1/64, 1/128, 1/256. If you do not need to round fractions, just select "-".

Rounding settings for fractions

• Decimal results can be rounded to 0-9 decimal places. E.g. you may round results to the nearest 10ths, 100ths, etc. By default, the app is set up to round to 2 decimal places. If you need to round results to the nearest whole number, select 0 decimal places.

Rounding settings for decimals

For more information please watch the video on how to set rounding settings in Units Master.


► Question 2: When I run Units Master it shows the keyboard with US/imperial units (inches, feet and yards). Does the app support other standard units such as miles and nautical miles? If so, where can I find them? How do change the keyboard to accomplish calculations in metric units?

Answer: You may toggle between the keyboards using the ‘Switch keyboard’ button.

Keyboard - Mode 1 (with most frequently used standard length units, trigonometry functions, square root, power)

Keyboard with US length units, trigonometry functions, square root, power

Keyboard - Mode 2 (with all supported standard and metric length units)

Keyboard with standard and metric length units

Keyboard - Mode 3 (with all supported standard (US) and metric area units)

Keyboard with standard and metric area units

Watch the video on how to toggle between the keyboards in Units Master.


► Question 3: What is the button used for?

Answer: The Switch Unit Systems button is used to quickly switch between Standard (US/imperial) and metric unit systems.

For example, if you got the answer in metric units and would like to check its equivalent in Standard units (imperial units), just click this button.

Result in metric units

Result in imperial units

Watch the video on how to use the Switch Unit Systems button.


► Question 4: What is the key » and how can it be used?

Answer: Using the ‘Move between units’ (») button you may easily get result in all available unit combinations, where the corresponding unit value is greater than 1, within the selected unit system.

For example, your result is 19ft 7_3/8in. Using this button, you may quickly calculate this result in yards, feet and inches - 6yd 1ft 7_3/8in, or just in inches - 235_3/8 inches.

Calculate length in feet and inches

Calculate length in yards, feet and inches

Calculate length in inches

For more information watch the video on how to use the Move between units button.


► Question 5: I would like to get the result in imperial units but I get the answer in metric units. How can I fix it?

Answer: In the Settings window, change the output format to ‘US’.

Units Master supports three output formats: US, Metric, Auto.

Units calculation output format

The default the output format is 'Auto'. If the 'Auto' output format is selected and you calculate units (add, subtract, multiply, divide, etc), the calculator shows you the answer in the same unit system. For example, if you would like to calculate 2.4ft+3/8in, you will get the answer in standard (imperial) units 2ft5_1/4in (2ft 5.2in). In case you perform units conversion, Units Master shows you the result in another system. For example, if you input 2_1/2ft (and there is no any operation between units), you will get 76cm 2mm. ▲ 

► Question 6: As for most of my calculations I need results to be shown in metric units, I selected the 'Metric' output format. But sometimes I need to recalculate the result in imperial units. Is there a way to quickly get the imperial equivalent without re-entering the whole problem again?

Answer: Yes, just press the Switch Unit Systems button .

Watch the video on how to get the results in imperial units with the selected Metric output format

Using the ‘Move between units’ (») button you may easily view you answer in different unit combinations. ▲ 

► Question 7: I would like to convert between decimal and fractional feet but when I input 5 1/4 ft and press ‘=’ I get the answer 5ft3in (in feet and inches). With the ‘Move between units’ button » I get equivalents in yd-ft-in, ft-in and in. How can I get the result in decimal feet?

Answer: After you pressed = and got the answer, just press the 'ft' button.
Pressing any unit button after you calculated the result, quickly converts the result to the selected unit.

Watch the video on how to convert between decimal and fractional feet


► Question 8: How do I perform unit conversion?

Weather you would like to convert between fractional and decimal values, units in the same system or between metric and imperial units, enter the value, press = and then press the required unit button.

How to convert between fractional and decimal inches

How to convert feet to inches

How to convert yard-feet-inches to meters

How to convert centimeters to inches


► Question 9: How do I send the result via email?

Answer: To send calculation results via email, after you got the result, just press = button again and then click the Send email button.

Send calculation results via email


Friday, February 7, 2025
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